27th Tamil Nadu State Team Chess Championship 2019 has been organized by Karur District Chess Association from 26th to 30th May, 2019 at Prem Mahal, Karur. A total of 72 Teams with 314 players wherein 217 were FIDE rated players and 43 female players. Championship was conducted in Swiss system with 9 rounds under the time control of 90 minutes plus 30 seconds increment from move no.1.
The championship was inaugurated by Shri. Atlas M Nachimuthu, President of Karur District Chess Association at Prem Mahal on 26th May 2019.
The top seed of the championship was Golden Knights Chess Academy “A” of Madurai compiling of Lakshmi Narayanan (2154), Manigandan SS (2155), Ram S Krishnan (2135), Ganesh Babu S (2061), Dusthageer Ibrahim M (2149), followed by the top seed – Master Minds Chess Academy “A” from Kanchipuram compiling of Kabhilan S(1887), FM Manu David Suthandram R (2418), CM Rajarishi Karthi (2081), Vignesh B (1913), Rathina Sabapathi A (1964), Third Seed Ignited Minds Chennai Team compiling of Adhithya S (1827), Hemanth Raam (2010), Raju S (1832), Kumar S (1917), Sharath E (1733).
There was a tight fight for the title with the stands of nail biting victories by the team players. The event was well organized by Karur District Chess Association with their office Bearers and Members. Finally after a tough fight Golden Knights Chess Academy “A” of Madurai regained their title with a round to spare.
Final Standings – top ten teams
Rank | Team | Gam. |
1 | Golden Knights Chess Academy – A | 9 |
2 | Viyugam Chess Academy – A | 9 |
3 | Master Minds Chess Academy – A | 9 |
4 | AURO Chess Academy, Karur | 9 |
5 | Ananthi Chess Academy Madurai – A | 9 |
6 | Coimbatore District Team A | 9 |
7 | Philidor – Trichy | 9 |
8 | Master Minds Chess Academy – B | 9 |
9 | Golden Knights Chess Academy – B | 9 |
10 | Salem DCA Team – A | 9 |