Tamil Nadu State Chess Association and Erode District Chess Circle are organizing a Senior National Arbiter Seminar followed by an examination at Kongu Arts And Science College Nanjanapuram, Erode, Tamil Nadu India -638 107 on 1st and 2nd April 2023.
Eligibility: Any chess player, arbiter or enthusiast, who has completed 16 years of age on 1st April, 2023. Candidates born on or before 01/04/2007
Examination fee: Rs.4000/- (Rs. four thousand only) to be deposited at
Tamil Nadu State Chess Association Bank account details
Name | Tamil Nadu State Chess Association |
Bank | Indian Bank |
A/C No | 440756872 |
Type of a/c | OD A/C |
Branch | Park Town Branch |
IFSCcode | IDIB000P024 |
Applications duly recommended by the district/state (for other states) have to reach the Tamil Nadu State Chess Association (tnchess64@gmail.com) on or before 05.00 PM, 26th March 2023. The payment proof has to be attached.
The seats are limited to 40. The selected candidates will be intimated by e-mail on or before 30st March 2023. The selection will be based on merit and a selection committee will be constituted for the selection process. The payment of the candidates not selected will be refunded at the earliest.
The lecturer for the seminar Course material (Arbiters’ Manual – 1st October 2022) will be provided at the venue. Anyhow, the selected participants are recommended to download the same from https://arbiters.fide.com/news/category/arb/publications/arb-manual and be familiar with the following topics:
- Laws of Chess
- Tiebreak regulations
- Rating regulations
- Swiss pairing
- Arbiter regulations
- Anticheating regulations
- Standards of Chess equipment
- Competition riles
- Basic ideas of title regulations
- Basic ideas of online competitions
Download application : Senior-National-Arbiter-Examination-Application-form-Erode
Details can be had from: Dr. Ramesh , mobile : 94433 64966