16th International Solving Contest 26.01.2020
Venue:Hall of Chess, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium
Starting time: 1.00 p.m
The 16th International Solving Contest 16th ISC will take place on Sunday January 26th 2020. The event is happening simultaneously in all participating countries.32 countries with 43 tournaments all over the world will be taking part.
Rules for the International Solving Contest (ISC)
- The ISC is a solving competition appointed by the WFCC (World Federation for Chess Composition) for individual solvers taking place on multiple locations worldwide on a Sunday at the end of January concurrently in all participating countries.
- For the admittance of each participating place a reliable local controller with email address has to be appointed for the responsibility of organising the local tournament. G.S.Narayanan, FIDE master for chess composition, is appointed by WFCC as local controller for Chennai.
- Categories:The competition comprises three solver categories:
- Category 1for experienced solvers, but open for all solvers
- Category 2for inexperienced solvers with no rating or with an active, non-active or half-rating of less than 2000
- Category 3for youth not older than 13 years in the year of the competition. Those born after 31.12.2006 are eligible.
gibleSeparate results are recorded for youth, females and seniors. Only for Categories 1 and 2 results of solvers will be rated.
- Begin:The start of the contest will be 1.00 p.m on 26.1.2019.
- Rounds: The rounds of the contest last two hours for all categories.
There are two rounds for category 1 and 2 with a break of at least half an hour with a maximum of one and a half hour between the two rounds (1.00 to 3.00 p.m and 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. For category 3 there is one round - Modus:
- Category 1:for each round (5 problems) a 2#, 3#, n#, eg, h# and s#
- Category 2:in the first round(5 problems) two 2# and one 3#, n#, eg and s#, and in the second round one 2#, two 3# and one n#, eg and h#
- Category 3:four 2#, a 3# and an eg
I request large number of players to participate in the event and make it a successful one.
There will be three categories for solving
1. Experienced solvers: Two rounds of two hours each (1.00 to 3.00 p.m and 3.30 to 5.30 p.m) Five problems in each round Two mover, Three-mover, More-mover, helpmate and self-mate and endgame study.
2. For inexperienced solvers: Two rounds of two hours each (1.00 to 3.00 p.m and 3.30 to 5.30 p.m) Five problems in each round (1 or2)Two-movers,(1 or 2)Three-movers, helpmate or selfmate and endgame study.
3. For youngsters below thirteen years only one round:five problems 3 Two-movers, 1 three-mover and 1 endgame study.
Entry fee:Rs.50/-
Three prizes in category 1 and 2 and 5 prizes in category 3. Solvers are requested to bring their own Chess board and pieces.
Contact person: Mr. C.G.S.Narayanan, FIDE master for chess composition, Mobile: 9841527032